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The OSCB is a Non-Profit Science Institute for the advancement of knowledge on the ocular surface. This concerns the normal structure and function, its interaction with contact lenses, as well as the alterations that lead to the onset and potential progression of ocular surface disease, such as Dry Eye Disease, MGD, Blepharitis, Ocular Allergy.
Ocular Surface Diseases are wide-spread and lead to a loss of vision, with irritation and pain and result in a distinct reduction of personal wellness, quality of life and productivity of work. Not only the individuals suffer from ocular surface disease but this is also a large burden for society, and to the health- and social-systems, that absorbs tens of billions of US Dollar every year.

Dry Eye Disease is the most frequent diagnosis in ophthalmologic practice. The epidemiology of people who suffer from dry eye disease is typically in the range of about 5 to 15% of the population and can go up to about 30% or more in selected areas of the world such as Asia. Tens of millions of people in the US as well in the EU suffer from Dry Eye Disease. Members of the Ocular Surface Center Berlin (OSCB) have contributed for decades in research and evaluation of concepts on mechanism that promote the onset of Dry Eye Disease and that promote its the chronic procession into a sight-threatening condition.

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) of the obstructive type, which is the main causative factor for Dry Eye Disease, can go unnoticed in initial stages but is still able to destroy the glands. This condition is termed Non-Obvious MGD, abbreviated as NOMGD. Members of the Ocular Surface Center Berlin have contributed to identify and to bring more light into this underestimated condition with detrimental effects on the ocular glands for the tear lipids. MGD has in recent years become particularly frequent in individuals of younger age who do concentrated work at video-display terminals with low blinking frequency. The type of Dry Eye Disease, that is first incidental but later becomes chronic and worsens, is called "Office Eye". A similar condition now begins to occur in children.

Female gender generally has a higher prevalence and incidence of Dry Eye Disease and the number of patients with this condition generally increases with advancing age. In our aging societies, ocular surface disease, and most prominently dry eye disease, will be of ever growing importance. We have the obligation to fight against ocular surface disease by intense scientific initiatives for the increase of knowledge and for the information of medical colleagues as well as of the general public. The awareness of ocular surface disease and its treatment has greatly profited in recent years from the advancement of knowledge in the field.

Members of the Ocular Surface Center Berlin – the OSCB – have devoted their time and energy to the generation of knowledge on ocular surface disease for decades. They have joined the forefront of international efforts for the identification, clarification, classification and publication of peer reviewed and internationally distributed reports and white-books on ocular surface disease and contact lenses. These reports are available to health authorities and the general public world-wide.

You can help the Ocular Surface Center Berlin by donating whatever you consider helpful.

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